Ryotsu Area

The Ryotsu Port Sado Kisen Terminal is located in this area, which serves as the main entrance to Sado Island. As soon as you get off the boat, you can see Lake Kamo, the largest lake in Niigata Prefecture, and if you drive north along the coastline, you can access scenic spots such as Onogame and Futatsugame, a treasure trove of scenic spots.


Lake Kamo

Lake Kamo is the largest lake in Niigata Prefecture and is also the only brackish water lake in Niigata Prefecture where oysters are cultivated. Early on fine, windless mornings, the ripples on the surface of the water created by waterfowl are beautiful, and at night the stars reflected on the surface of the water can be seen in the reflection. The reflection of Mount Kinpoku mirrored in the water during the fall foliage season is also nice, and the icy Lake Kamo in winter is also beautiful.


Mt. Donden

Mt. Donden is selected as one of the New 100 Famous Mountains of Japan. The density of flowers is astonishing even to those who have toured various mountains in Japan, and the mountain has an endless number of fans who come here every year for cherry blossom viewing trekking. The popular early spring time is also good, but in autumn, you can see Sado-azami (Cirsium sadoense), a species endemic to Sado Island, and the autumn leaves are beautiful. At night, the city lights around Lake Kamo below and the night view of the city of Niigata on the other side of the sea are beautiful, making this a great spot for stargazing.



From mid-May to early June each year, this famous spot boasts Japan's largest colony of tobishima kanzo (Amur daylily) in bloom. Many tourists visit during the daytime, but it is also a good place to visit in the evening to watch the sunset and take pictures as the crowds are gone at that time. The magnificent view of the monolithic rock is wonderful in any season.



Futatsugame, located at the northernmost tip of Sado Island, is where you can see the Tombolo phenomenon, when islands become separated or connected depending on the tide. Since it is located at exactly due north, long exposures can be used to capture the circular trails of stars centered on Polaris. It is also the spot where both the sunrise from the sea and the sunset into the sea can be seen.


Bonfire Noh Performance

Many of the Noh plays performed on Sado Island are dedicated at shrines, and it is probably rare to find a place in Japan where you can take pictures of Noh plays. It is also very rare that Noh, which has been popular among commoners since the Edo period, is still alive on Sado Island, and that a Noh stage is used to casually experience the ethereal world of Noh plays lit by firelight.