1. Rengebuji Temple
Shrines and Buddhist Temples

Rengebuji Temple

  • 真言宗智山派の寺院、山号は小比叡山。

  • 袴腰付きの鐘楼が金堂北東の台地上に建っています。

  • 金剛寺(大阪)、室生寺(奈良)とともに真言の三大聖地。

  • 聖観音を祀る金堂。蓮華峰寺の中心的な建物です。

  • 本堂には「葵の紋」。境内には徳川家康、秀忠の御霊廟があります。

  • 弘法堂には本尊の弘法大師坐像が安置されています。

  • 大きな茅葺形銅板葺の屋根が印象的な八祖堂。

  • 別名あじさい寺とも呼ばれています。

  • 山門を入ると八角堂があります。

  • 境内は約3000坪。周辺に駐車場が整備されています。

A holy place of the Shingon School of Buddhism, called the temple of hydrangeas

Rengebuji Temple was established by Kukai (Kobo Taishi, who founded the Shingon school of Buddhism) around 806, since Sado is considered to be an unlucky direction from the Imperial Palace. Rengebuji Temple is said to have been built on the order of Emperor Saga, and is one of the holy places of the Shingon school of Buddhism, along with Kongoji and Murouji Temples. Kobodo Hall, Kondo Main Hall and Kotsudo Ossuary are designated as Japan's Important Cultural Properties, and sixteen other buildings and halls within the precinct are registered as National Tangible Cultural Properties. The hydrangeas come into full bloom in July, and the scenery is breathtaking.

Facility Basic Information

182 Kobie, Sado, Niigata 952-0602
For inquiries
Transport Access
Ogi Port Approx 11 minutes by car
Nearest bus stop
Ogi Onsenmae (Akadomarisen Line, Ogi Line, Shukunegi Line) Approx. 30 minutes on foot from bus stop

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