1. Useful Information
  2. "Sado City Free WiFi" is now available!

"Sado City Free WiFi" is now available!

“Sado City Free WiFi” is available at 10 locations now.

* Sado Kisen Ryotsu Port
* Onogame
* Historic Site Sado Kinzan Gold Mine
* Kitazawa Flotation Plant
* Senkakuwan Ageshima Yuen
* Toki Forest Park
* Myosenji Temple
* Sado Nishimikawa Gold Park
* Sado Kisen Ogi Port
* Shukunegi

Please install the application at the bottom of this page or sign up with your e-mail address or SNS account.

Conditions of use

  • Create an account using your E-mail address or SNS account.
  • Registered information is saved for 365 days after initial registration. After 366 days, another re-registration is required.
  • Free WiFi can be used many times as you want but each use is limited to 60 minutes at a time.
  • Data is NOT encrypted. Please note that your personal information such as ID, password or credit card number might be intercepted by a third party.

* Internet connecting service provided by NTT Broadband Platform, Inc. is used for this service

* Neither Sado City nor NTT Broadband Platform, Inc. shall be held responsible for any consequences resulting from use of this service.

* Service may not be available due to maintenance of facility.

How to configure your mobile device (with use of the application)

専用アプリ「Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi」をインストールすれば、佐渡市内だけでなく、新潟市や全国の主要な駅・施設・店舗などで、簡単にWi-Fiを利用することができます。

1.Scan the QR code using your mobile device to install “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi”

2.Start application and create an account with your E-mail address or SNS account.

* Wi-Fi will be available at principal cities or ports in Japan including Niigata city and Sado Island once you install “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi”.

* Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi is a platform provided by NTT Broadband Platform, Inc.

Please check the website below for Wi-Fi spots.


App Store

Google Play

How to configure your mobile device (without use of the application)

Please setup your mobile phone within 30m from the nearest access point.

1.Click “Setting” to turn on Wi-Fi

2.Click Sado_City_Free_Wi-Fi to connect

3.Go back to Home page and start a browser

4.Click “Connect to the network”

* Please refresh browser in case “Connect to the network” is not displayed

5.Enter your E-mail address or SNS account information to register

6.Make sure your network is connected as below

Service Area