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  2. Experience Onidaiko on Sado Island: Ondeko Dot-com

Experience Onidaiko on Sado Island: Ondeko Dot-com

On Saturday May 25th and Sunday May 26th (Main event on May 26th), enjoy performances of local traditional arts at Ondeko Dome in Ryotsu Port.


See Sado Okesa (folk song and dance) and Onidaiko (taiko drumming and oni dance) under one roof. Every year around twenty five groups of local artists participate in this popular event. Onidaiko troupes from around the island come to perform - so you can enjoy local traditions from around the island, passed down over generations, all in one place! The performances don't only take place on the stage - you'll be able to see oni, drummers, and dancers up close! You will also find food stalls selling Sado specialties like seafood caught fresh off the coast of Sado, and Sado's local Japanese sake.

Event Details
Date and Time: Saturday May 25, 2024: 4PM - 8PM
                          Sunday May 26, 2024: 9AM - 4PM (Main Event)
Location: Ryotsu Port, Ondeko Dome
Entry: Free
More Information: Official Site (in Japanese) including the event time schedule.
While you're on Sado...
Coming to Sado for Ondeko Dotcom? While you're here, check out some of the other cool things the island has to offer.

Experience Taiko Drumming with Kodo
Sado is home to the world-famous taiko drumming group, Kodo. At their training center in the southern part of the island, you can join fun taiko drumming workshops! Open to anyone and everyone, these sessions with actual Kodo members are such an exhilirating way to experience the culture of the island.
For more info and booking: Sado Island Experiences.
Visit Onogame and see the Tobishima Kanzou
This season, the Tobishima Kanzou at Onogame are also in bloom - so why not combine your trip to the island with a visit to the beautiful scenery of the north? From May 25th - June 9th you can even get some freebies for sharing a snapshot of the Kanzou daylilies on social media!
Check here for more information about where to go and how to get there.
Explore the Blue Grotto by Kayak
We are entering one of the most beautiful seasons on the island, and some of the best weather for exploring the sea by kayak and paddle board. Ogi Diving Center in the south of the island leads tours to the beautiful blue grotto - an experience you don't want to miss!
For more info and booking: Sado Island Experiences.
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